Important Dates
- Pack Meeting - Sunday, February 23rd
- Pinewood Derby Kit Distribution & Cut-Out - February 23rd
- Den Meetings - Sunday, March 9th
- Additional PWD Cut-Outs & Weights - March 9th
- Pinewood Derby Race Day - March 30th
- Yard Sale Fundraiser - April 5th
- Plastic Fillm Collection continues
Pinewood Derby Race Season
Kits will be distributed February 9th from 12:00-4:00 PM
Extra family/sibling cars = $5.00
Helpful PWD Car Cut-Outs - Sunday, February 9th 12-1:45 PM
More Help & Weight Additions - Sunday, March 9th 4:00-5:30 PM
Pinewood Derby Inspection and Weigh-In - Sunday, March 30th TBD
Pinewood Derby Race - Sunday, March 30th TBD
Blue & Gold Aloha & Bridging Celebration
Think warm thought and imagine yourself in a the warm tropical paradise of Hawaii! Cubs will wear Pack 145 T-shirts under Aloha/Hawaiian/Beach shirts, except Webelos 2s in tan BSA uniform. Family members are encouraged to wear Aloha/Hawaiian/Beach attire. Special guest will be Joelle Shank with a interactive island story telling. Arrow of Light Scouts will be bridging to their Troops! In the spirt of Aloha, refreshments will be shared.
Dessert Assignments
Lion - Fruit Bear - Crackers
Tiger - Cookie Bars Webelos 1s - Brownies
Wolf – Cheese Cubs Webelos 2s - Cookies
Pack 145 will suppy drinks and a cake.
Yard Sale Fundraiser - Saturday, April 5th
Time to clear your junk and turn it into Scout treasure! Each family donating yard sale items will receive 2 points in this fundraiser profit-share. (Be sure to sign up!) Sale items can be brought to the Activity Building starting March 30th until 7:00 PM April 4th. (Don't forget to initial your drop off! to get credit)
Volunteers can earn 1 point for each hour worked with a minimum of 2 hours. (Be sure to sign up!) Cubs are represented by adult parnter(s). If Cubs tag along, they need to be helpers under adult partner supervision. (Be sure to sign in/out your times to receive credit!)
Advertisement! We need LOTS of help getting more people in the doors to shop. Help spread the word.
Den Meetings
To respond to family schedules and the new Cub Scout Adventures in shared themes, ALL rank (grade level) Dens will meet together 2:00-4:00 PM on the 2nd Sunday* of each month to allow Cub siblings and our wonderful volunteers to meet together on the same day! (See the Den Meeting schedule tab) Lion and Tigers must have an adult partner attend Den Meetings. Wolf, Bear and Webelos can be dropped off. However, a parent must walk him/her IN and OUT from the upstairs Activity Bldg for Cub safety. This also allow parents to see sign-up, sign-outs, flyers, collections, etc. to keep communication in good shape. *Some dates may be moved up or back a week to accommodate holidays.
Monthly Themes
With the new Cub Scouts adventures being grouped under themes, Pack 145 has scheduled the following themes to coordinate our monthly Den Meetings as follows:
January - Personal Safety
February - Art & Science, Blue & Gold Ceremony
March - Pinewood Derby
April - Camping
May - Personal Fitness & Character Development
New BSA Renewal System & Pack Dues Explanation:
#1 - Parents of Cubs and Volunteers may receive a BSA email notification of approaching BSA Membership expiration. This first year of the new renewal system. BSA Members have 60 days after their expiration date to pay or they have to re-register with a paper application and $130.00.
#2 -Cubs may renew their $115.00 BSA Membership online via the provided links in that email. By using a credit/debit card, there will be additional 3% fee. If use a e-check or ACH, there is a $1.00 fee. Bring a copy of the payment to Pack 145 to only pay $15.00 to complete the Pack Dues. By doing this option, a Cub can not receive the benefits of the Scout Account, Volunteer Appreciation or the Multiple Sibling Discounts.
#3 -Cubs may renew by including the $115.00 BSA Membership and $15.00 Pack Dues in a $130.00 check payable to "Pack 145". Pack 145 will pay the Cub's BSA membership fee to the council office for proccessing. Pack 145 will keep $15.00 to pay for activities, supplies, awards, etc. This is how Pack 145 has been doing its Dues transactions for years. Please note by doing #3, a family can reduce its costs of Cub Scouting enjoyment with these benefits:
- Volunteer Leader Benefit receives free dues for themselves and ONE Cub; Value $95.00 + $115.00 + $15.00 = $225.00
- Multiple Sibling Discount allows full price ($130.00) for the 1st Cub, $10.00 off the 2nd Cub ($120.00) , $20.00 off the 3rd Cub ($110.00), etc. Pack 145 would rather have partial or no $15.00 dues, even supplement the BSA membership then have a large family struggle to participate. For example a family of 3 Cubs = $360.00 to Pack 145.
- Scout Accounts, which vary depending on participation at our annual Yard Sale, can be applied to $130.00 Dues. Contact Lisa Bass for a SA balance and pay $130.00 minus that SA amount to Pack 145.
Webelos 2s or AOL who graduate in February will have their BSA membership transferred to their Troop with no expectations of more dues until next November. Any SA balances are only forwarded to Troop 145.
Our Charter OrganizationPack 145 is so happy that our Cub Scouting program is in partnership with our locat veterans within Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5311. Activities with our veterans have been a part of Pack 145 for 20+ years. It was a natural fit and Pack 145 looks forward to many joint events with the VFW. Pack 145 will continue to meet at the Activity Building through a very restrictive Facilities Usage Agreement, but we are making it work until VFW can accommodate our young Cubs. However, soome Pack 145 meetings may be held at the VFW Post on High Street.
Only way to grow is by "word of mouth" Tell others parents and kids that Pack 145 is family friendly and then show them the photos of the no-cost, high thrills activities available to Cub Scouts! See the Join Today webpage link on the left! Please help Pack 145 grow! Any youth ages 5-10 can join anytime! Four-year olds can become Lion Cubs in April before Kindergarten. VISIT anytime! JOIN the fun anytime
Improving Pack 145 Communication
In addition to this website, regular emails and our Facebook Group, Pack 145 will begin using the Remind system to send out quick text message reminders about changes to upcoming Den and Pack Meetings, especially weather or COVID related. If a parent has a smartphone, you download the Remind App or type in a web brower. If just a plain cellphone, text @ghh4ga9 to 81010.
Religious Emblem Program At-Home or Virtual
The National BSA in collaboration with the P.R.A.Y organization offer programs for Cub/Boy Scouts to earn Religious Emblem medals. Cubs can earn the God & Me and/or the God & Family. Boy Scouts can pursue God & Church and/or God & Life. It has been too many years since Pack 145 has been able to offer an in-person program. Because of COVID, the allowance of remote learning is now possible. There are 10 take-home lessons for any Cub wanting to earn the God & Me award. Each lesson must be returned before the next lesson is given. All lessons are kept together in a folder for review by a counselor from St. Paul UMC and then the Cub earns this prestigious medal. If this is successful, Pack 145 will offer God and Family.
Pack 145 Plastic Film Collection
A Den started a campaign to rid the environment of plastic litter! Another Den has graciously offered to continue this conservation collection in the Activity Building for more benches in/around St. Paul UMC. Look for the collection box in/near the kitchen area. Pack 145 has earned 10 benches as of May 2024. Pack 145 has partnered with Troop 145 to earn 2 benches from 2000lbs of plastic out of our environment. Pack 145 benches can be found...
- 3 around the Activity Building campfire pit
- 1 at our plastic film provider, Inorganics Co.
- 1 at our charter organization, VFW Post 5311
- 1 inside the Wonder Universe Children's Museum
- 2 inside the nearby playground
- 2 at the Downtown Christiansburg Pocket Park
Pack 145 is a wonderful promotion of Cub Scouting skills and values, all made possible by volunteer leaders who are greatly supported by the Pack Committee and the St. Paul UMM, our charter organization. MORE LEADERS ARE GREATLY NEEDED! The den schedule of 1 time a month for 2 hours is to accommodate busy adult and youth schedules. Please consider the rewards and beneifts of completing an Adult Application and some minor online training! Please help Pack 145 comply with the policy of "2-Deep" Leadership. Please contact Cubmaster Henry, if any questions.
*NEW*Uniform Guidelines
To help reduce costs as BSA uniforms continue to increase as our Cubs grow faster than
our wallets, Pack 145 has made the decision to eliminate the offical blue BSA uniforms and all its parts (hats, neckercheif, & slide). A Pack 145 t-shirt is all that is needed to show Cub Scout and Pack 145 pride. Pack 145 has plenty of styles and sizes. Cost = $10.00. We encourage Cubs to wear their Pack t-shirt to ALL Pack/Den activities and EVERYWHERE! Other BSA themed shirts are allowed. Any Cub wishing to purchase and wear any official BSA clothing is A-OK! Pack 145 is working to find ways to showcase well-earned Adventure Belt Loops and patches. Stay tuned!
Scouts and Sports together make a balanced diet of activities! Scouting is flexible enough for a Cub Scout to excel at both, and many Scouts do. Scouting encourages a well-rounded balance of activities, and a Boy Scout doesn’t have to attend every Scouting event. No one should have to feel that it is "Scouts verus Sports" situation.
Pack 145 supports its Cub Scout players in various sports thoughout the seasons! As Pack 145 starts a new Scout Year and should a Cub Scout be unavailable for any meeting or other activity, please stay in communication with Den Leader and Cubmaster so we can all be your "cheering section" in Sport AND in Scouting! As always, we look forward to your attendance to any of the Pack planned activities!
Pack 145 Cub Scouts Challenges - Almost Time to Wrap up This Virtual World - This was featured in the National Scouting Magazine!
#1 - The Scout Oath asks that all Scouts to work on being “physically strong”. Let’s hear reports, see a photo or a video of our Cub Scouts being physically active outside today and how you unplugged.
#2 - Show "A Scout is Clean" by demonstrating or explaining how you wish your hands.
#3- "A Scout is Kind" enough to help lonely Senior Citizens by crafting cards or writing letters.
#4 - Our Professional Health Care Workers deserve our appreciation so signing a BIG Thank You card.
#5 - Let's Dance! It improves the mood!
#6 - Blue Ridge Mountain Council has challenged Scouts to build an outdoor/indoor tent with #CampAtHomeBRMC for a chance of a prize.
#7 - BINGO Cub Scout Version
#8 - Cub Scouts are going a Bear Hunt by placing a stuffed bear/animal in a window for other community kids to participate in a scvanger hunt.
#9 - Scout is Thirfty! Find and count/group spare change from around your house.
#10 - Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
#11 - Litter Clean-Up in your neighborhood
#12 - Easter Egg Coloring to celebrate the holiday
#13 - Scout Strong to show you community witha sign posted on car or home that To Be Strong.
#14 - Scout is Kind by painting and placing kindness rocks around your neighborhood.
#15 - National Park Week can be visited and completing an activity on the
#16 - Happy Earth Day with a celebration of nature used in art.
#17 - Baking Fun
#18 - Virtual Museum or Aquarium Tours
#19 - May the Fourth Jedi Name
#20 - Cinco de Mayo & Taco Tuesday Celebration
#21 - Make your own Musical Instrument
#22 - Celebrate Mom with a photo
#23 - Create some Chalk Art
#24 - Help the Birds by constructing a bird house/feeder
#25 - Nature Hunt
#26 - Art Show your talents and creativity
#27 - Build a rocket to celebrate Sally Ride and America Launch
#28 - Composting Day
#29 - Movie Premiere - recreate your favorite movie moment or character.
#30 - Build a Bug Hotel to welcome our insects to help in nature
#31 - Plant a Garden
#32 - Wheely Fun Summer - put on some wheels and have fun!
#33 - Duct Tape is Scout tool that can repair or craft anything. Show what you can do!
#34 - He & Me photo to celebrate Father's Day
#35 - Scout Patches Tradition - Show off all the patches you have earned before or during COVID.