Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: What does Pack 145 do for activities?

A: Each grade level works on a rank within a "den". Each den leader prepares fun and educational lessons within two hours a month. All the dens come together once a month for a "pack" meeting planned with special activities for scouts. The Blue Ridge Mountain Council (BRMC - covering 20 counties in 10 districts) and the New River District offer numerous optional events throughout the year. Please click on our Pack Calendar.

Q: When can my son join Cub Scouting?

A: Anytime! Pack 145 meets for official den and pack meetings during the school year. The New River District offers recruitment nights at local schools. Then, a Pack event is held once a month during the summer to stay in touch and invite interested friends. Contact a Pack leader via our Contact Us link or in person at any meeting listed on our Pack Calendar. A Youth Application will be provided to you for completion then the fun begins! If a scout joins before May 1st, he is eligible for all the summer camps opportunities.

Q: Which rank would my son be?

A: The Cub Scouting program is open to boys in grades 2 through 5. 1st grader = Tiger; 2nd grader = Wolf; 3rd grader = Bear; 4th/5th grader = Webelos. Kindergarteners can join to become Tigers in April to be eligible for summer camps.

Q: What is the Cub Scout uniform?

A: Pack 145 would like to see our Cub Scouts in their uniform at Scout event but has a relaxed dress code as explained in the Pack 145 . Uniforms are sold at the BRMC store. For pricing and store location, visit Procedure Manual or New scouts are asked to have their uniforms ready for a November inspection. Check the Pack Calendar for recommended dress code for an event.

The placement of patchs on the uniform can be found at THIS LINK!

Q: What costs are involved in scouting?

A: When you decide to join and complete an application, there is a fee that does directly to the National Boy Scouts of America (BSA). For 2010-11, the initial fee is $28.00. Pack 145 operates a budget to provide activities, supplies and awards. Dues collected from each scout to help pay for their participation. For 2011-12, dues are set at $60.00. The Pack participates in fundraisers to offset costs of the budget and help Scouts avoid dues. BSA and BRMC sponsor porpcorn sales in September-November. A Cub Scouts can register for the Camp Card fundraiser that starts in March.  The Pack also hosts a yard sale each spring. Preas review Dues & Fundraisers.

Q: Is fundraising participation required?

A: Pack 145 will not pressure Scouts and families into fundraising. Participation does offer incentives. Popcorn sale goals allow for scouts to earn free dues and other prizes. Scouts receive a portion of the profits into a savings account which can be withdrawn to pay for Scout event fees and other related-items as explained in Scout Bank Funds. Helping with the annual Yard Sale earns free clothing items toward their next rank at the Promotion Ceremony.

Q: What types of awards can a Cub Scout earn?

A: It is the goal of Pack 145 to help each Scout work towards their rank. Throughout the year, a Scout can earn all types of awards based on hobbies, interests, sports and other participation. Award Descriptions are available. On the Pack's website, there is a special Awards webpage and each rank (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos) webpage offers links to achievements.

Parents are instrumental in helping their son with record-keeping and cross-checking of school and other extra-curricular activities.

Q: When are awards presented to a Cub Scout?

A: There are three (3) Awards Ceremonies in a Scout year to celebrate their hard work.

Q: What happens when a Cub Scout is missing an award?

A: If a Cub Scout worked hard to earn an award, please notify your den leader and review Award Descriptions about procedures.

Q: How can a Cub Scout use his Scout Funds?

A: When a Scout sells popcorn and earns money into his Scout Funds, this money can be used for Scout-related expenses. Since the Pack treasurer must release the money, confirmation of the Scout Fund amount must be communicated before any registration forms are sent. Please review rules of the Scout Bank Funds.

Q: What are the best communications methods in this Pack?

A: Pack 145 relies heavily on this website and emails to provide the latest information, then post to Facebook. Scout families are encouraged to check this website and their email often. Updates may be provided by den leaders via email and phone calls. Ways to contact den leaders are available on each rank's webpage. Please respond to inquiries for RSVPs and information as soon as possible. If there are any changes to your contact information, please notify den and pack leaders..

Q: What makes Pack 145 special?

A: This Pack has established Traditions and Expectations to be beneficial to young boys and to include their families in the Scouting endeavor.

Q: What kind of parent participation is needed in Cub Scouting?

A: The Tiger program requires that a parent be a "partner" in all meetings. The Wolf, Bear and Webelos ranks offer "drop-off" den meetings. All district/council events require a parent to be present, especially overnighters. Pack 145 offers Webelos camping opportunities away from parents in preparation for Boy Scouting.

Q: What happens if a parent needs to bring siblings along?

A: Pack 145 is a family and understanding that parents may have childcare issues. Pack meetings are family friendly. District/council events such as Spookoree and Gold Rush allow registration and participation of siblings. Be sure to talk to your Scout's den leader should the need arise.

Q: How can a parent assist Pack 145?

A: First, encourage your son's participation in den meetings, pack activities and working towards awards. Second, please volunteer as time allows. The success of this Pack depends on volunteers! It can be as simple as stepping in to offer help with a craft in a den meeting or operate a pack meeting station. There are numerous activities and committee positions that need coordination within the Pack and come with great Benefits after completion of an Adult Volunteer application.

Q: Does my Cub Scout have to pareticipate in the Pinewood Derby?

A: Pack 145 celebrates the workmanship of building a derby car rather than the race. There is emphasis on the Scout building the car himself with the help of family members. If a parent has no experience with woodworking, the Pack offers a "cut-out" night along with leader advice in the months before the race. Pinewood Derby resources are available on the Pack website about this fun event.

Q: Where do I submit council/district registration forms?

A: Most registration forms for district and council activities such as Spookoree, Gold Rush, Day Camp, Adventure Camp, Science Museum, Scouts-on-Skis, etc. must be mailed directly to the Council Office. Mailing and fax information can be found at bottom of DO NOT MAIL any medical forms to council office because those must be taken directly to the event. (Also, Council throws them away!)

Q: Which medical forms are needed?

A: BSA Part A&B is needed for most Scouting events offered by the council/district. The Cub Scout and all family members on the premises must check in with a medical form. It does not matter if the activity is day long or overnight. Pack 145 recommends that entire families complete Part A&B ahead of time and make numerous copies. Webelos who participate in overnighters for more than 48 hours will also require Part C with a physician's signature.

Q: Where can the BSA medical forms be found?

A: Medical and Health forms Part A&B and even C are downloadable from the council website. 

Q: How are absences handled within the Pack?

A: Pack 145 offers a lot of exciting actvities and tries not to over-schedule each month. Den meetings meet for minimum of 2 hours a month while a pack meeting may last 1.5-2 hours. Scouting blends with school, sport and other extra-curricular activities. If a Cub Scout must miss a meeting, stay in contact with a den/pack leader due our Attendance Policy. If absent from a paid event, those fees are non-refundable.

To read and learn more about how Pack 145 operates, please download
PACK 145 MANUAL - 2018 Version