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Learn more, email Pack 145, and JOIN the FUN!
2024 Spring Recruitment BEGINS April 1st! (No foolin'!)
Boys now in Kindergarten through 4th grade have a perfect opportunity to participate in spring and summer Cub Scout adventures in Pack 145. Any interested boy/girl and parents are welcome to visit any of Pack 145 April/May events and meetings. By joining now, a new Cub Scout can enjoy all the pack, district and council level camps this summer! These rising K- 5th graders can begin earning their achievements and ranks right away! OR, join anytime!
2024 Fall Recruitment Dates:
Montgomery Museum Heritage Festival - August
Back to School Pack 145 Event - August
Lion Cubs: Kindergarten, Age 5
The Boy Scouts of America has developed a new program for five-year-old kindergarten boys/gilrs called Lion Cub Scouts and Pack 145 has been successful implementing it. The Lion program weaves traditional Scouting concepts of character development, leadership skills, personal fitness and citizenship into activities that are age-appropriate and fun for the boys and their parents. Lion Cubs are encouraged to learn and explore through hands-on, high-energy activities. Boys are recognized for their accomplishments as they work toward a Lion badge. The Lion badge is earned by completing five adventures. Adventures are completed during the den meetings and outings. When an adventure is completed, the youth will earn the same rank loops as the older Cubs!
Tiger Cubs: 1st Grade, Age 6
Tiger cubs are our youngest Den, meeting once a month, participating in a "go-see-it" once a month, and a monthly Pack meeting. Tiger cubs require an adult partner at all meetings, and it's a great way to build a lasting bond with your boy. We earn our Bobcat rank by learning the fundamentals of Cub Scouting, and receive lots of encouragement by earning beads for family activites, den and pack activities.
Wolfs: 2nd Grade, Age 7
Wolf Cubs have weekly or semi-weekly meetings to work on their progress towards Wolf rank, earn belt loops, and participate in activities from crafts to sports to citizenship.
Bears: 3rd Grade, Age 8
The Bear rank is for boys who have completed second grade (or are age 9). There are many Bear achievements to allow plenty of adventure!
Webelos I: 4th Grade, Age 9
Webelos stands for We'll Be Loyal Scouts. Our Webelos embark on a 1.5-year journey. In the first year, we earn our Webelos rank.
Webelos II: 5th Grade, Age 10
The second year of Webelos sees us working toward the Arrow of Light: the highest award in Cub Scouts, and the only Cub rank award allowed on the Boy Scout uniform. In March, our Webelos "bridge over" to a Scout Troop, in time to participate in Scout summer camp.
ANYTIME! HOW? 1) Visit https://beascout.scouting.org/ and type in 24073 then the Cub Scout tab. |